darkhavens (darkhavens) wrote,

International Talk like a Pirate Day Ficathon

September 19th is International Talk like a Pirate Day, so eatenbyweasels has decided to run an informal Pirate-themed ficathon. By informal, she means no requests or assignments; just write the story/drabble/playlet/poem you want to write, or do a piccy if you'd prefer, and post a link to it as a comment to the post she'll do on the day in her fic journal weasel_words. Your piece can be any fandom (original fic is acceptable, too), any length, any style, so long as any sex or 'shipping is primarily m/m.

You can go along and express your interest at this post because we all love pirates, right? Think of Xander with his patch, Spike in a pirate shirt, Angel with a tri-cornered hat and a parrot. *g*

Sign up, pimp it in any and every fandom, and remember, on September 19th, talk like a pirate!
Tags: pimp

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