Pairing: Sheppard/McKay, SGA
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Notes: This time last week I'd never seen or read any SGA.
Politeness Counts
Sometimes John is convinced that Rodney only loves him for his ATA gene - his knack for making the Ancient's toys sit up and beg for his touch.
"Activate this, Major." "Hold that, Major." "See if you can turn this on while you're here."
And though he sometimes moans and bitches about being used as an on-switch, John can't resist the expression on Rodney's face when he gets something new to play with. The focus, the determination to make it work for him - the unbreakable faith that he will succeed in learning its every secret... Well, that and the 'thank you' blowjobs.
Outside the Parameters
Rodney had known that life in the Pegasus galaxy would different, to say the least. He thought he'd considered every possible outcome as he packed. He'd never considered not going, not for a moment, even though he knew the odds on survival - both his and the expedition's - were smaller than the chances of him seeing a quark star with his own two eyes.
What he hadn't considered, hadn't even theorised in his wildest dreams, was that he'd somehow end up having amazing, mind-blowing sex on a regular basis with one Major John Sheppard - a man who considered infuriating Rodney to be a hobby.