I want everyone who reads this to ask me 4 questions. Any 4, no matter how personal, dirty, private, or random. I have to answer them honestly. In turn, you have to post this message in your own journal, and you have to answer the questions that are asked of you...
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 4 questions. Any 4, no matter how personal, dirty, private, or random. I have to answer them honestly. In turn, you have to post this message in your own journal, and you have to answer the questions that are asked of you...
Womanthology, and Batgirl speaks out
(Apparently I can post but still not comment. DDoSers, you suck monkey balls.) Womanthology is a large scale anthology comic showcasing the…
Whine and cheese(cake) and writing but no WriterconUK
Ten days ago, I finally got all my ducks in a row, holiday okayed, finances healthy enough that I could decide, yes, I was going to…
Spandex and tights, a shonky 'research' poll, a rounds_of_kink prompt call, and an LJ giveaway
Is it me, or does someone have their finger on the fast forward button of life? I can't believe it's September already! For anyone who's wondering,…
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Womanthology, and Batgirl speaks out
(Apparently I can post but still not comment. DDoSers, you suck monkey balls.) Womanthology is a large scale anthology comic showcasing the…
Whine and cheese(cake) and writing but no WriterconUK
Ten days ago, I finally got all my ducks in a row, holiday okayed, finances healthy enough that I could decide, yes, I was going to…
Spandex and tights, a shonky 'research' poll, a rounds_of_kink prompt call, and an LJ giveaway
Is it me, or does someone have their finger on the fast forward button of life? I can't believe it's September already! For anyone who's wondering,…