Title: The Eventual Demise of Title 10, Subtitle A, Part II, Chapter 37, Section 654
Fandom: Pairing: Stargate Atlantis: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: PG
Words: 300
Concrit: darkhavens @ slashverse.com. If you spot a typo, please feel free to tell me in comments. I want you to!
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Summary: After five days of belly scratching torment, the full-body stretch came into play, and Rodney blew like a mis-aligned transporter crystal.
Notes: Written for

It wasn't that anyone asked outright or speculated anywhere that Rodney could hear them, but he still knew. He could see the curiosity, feel the questions being etched into his skin by prying eyes. It was driving him crazy, and so was John.
At mealtimes, or whenever Rodney thought to eat, John would wander in and join him, sprawled in casual beauty and blatant invitation, smirk in place and hair tousled exactly so, too-small shirt rucked up just enough to see a flash of skin.
Rodney managed to control himself for almost three weeks, and then the belly scratching started.
It was subtle at first, a slow, casual swipe of nails where John's shirt failed to meet his pants on a regular basis. Rodney's breath hitched in anticipation but John dropped his hand back to his thigh. Eating was resumed after a silent, staring battle of wills, and John's level of smugness increased incrementally.
After five days of belly scratching torment, the full-body stretch came into play, and Rodney blew like a mis-aligned transporter crystal.
"Fine!" The chair's legs squealed across the floor as he shoved it back to stand. "Have it your way."
Rodney stalked around the table and used a handful of John's hair to tilt his smirking head back at the perfect angle. "Just remember, you've been asking for this."
'This' was not the punishing kiss expected by the now enthralled denizens of the mess. It was instead a slow and studied thorough exploration of the curves of General Sheppard's slightly pouting lower lip.
They were both breathing hard when Rodney finally pulled away to address the room.
"Has that assuaged your prurient curiosities, or do you want an encore?"
John's voice was pitched so only Rodney heard it.
"My vote is for a very private encore."
mini_nanowrimo running total: 3190 words
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