darkhavens (darkhavens) wrote,

Alien Jelly Made Them Do It, 5/5, Rodney/John

Author: darkhavens
Title: Alien Jelly Made Them Do It, 5/5
Pairing: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Rating: NC-17 overall
Words: 507 (approx 1800 words in total)
Feedback/Concrit: darkhavens @ slashverse.com
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Summary: Alien Jelly Made Them Do It
Notes: Written for stagesoflove 2006, Round 2, 'Five Stages of Sexual Arousal' stage #5 - Resolution.
Also posted here.
Stage #1 - Desire, stage #2 - Excitement, stage #3 - Plateau of Arousal, stage #4 - Orgasm.

You can either start at the beginning with Stage #1 - Desire (all stages are internally linked), or you can read stage #5 - Resolution under the cut.

Rodney came awake with a jolt of unexpected agony as someone tried to rip every hair from his chest and groin - simultaneously. Once he'd blinked the world back into some kind of focus, he realised Sheppard - the Colonel - John, dammit - had apparently settled on retreat as the reaction of choice when he'd woken up naked and glued to his best friend-team mate-Head of Science.

Rodney glared at him.


John jerked and looked sheepish, even as he tried once again to ease himself away from Rodney's tremendously sticky body.


In self-defence, Rodney lifted up his arms and tugged John closer, holding him firmly in place to stop him trying that again.

"You couldn't have - oh, I don't know - shaken me awake? You had to try and rip my hairs out by the root? I should probably be glad you stayed below the neck."

John rolled his eyes.

"I was trying for discreet, Rodney, you know the word? I don't have a clue what time it is, or where Teyla and Ronon got to after we wondered off last night. They could walk through that door at any moment. I thought maybe lying here stuck to you with Jell-O and come might be just a little bit too obvious for them to miss."

Of its own volition, Rodney's cock twitched, tugging painfully on skin and hair. They both winced.

"Yes, well, I… Wait. What? This isn't Jell-O. Are you insane? Jell-O is sugar and chemical additives and rendered animal waste by-products. This-" He dragged a finger through the multicoloured gloop on his chest and held it up for inspection. "This is not Jell-O. This is, at the very least, jelly, possibly even a rather close relative of jam. Definitely not Jell-O."

When John just stared at him, one eyebrow cocked, his mouth tilted in a way that Rodney thought looked too amusedly indulgent, he scowled.

"Yes, yes, I know, now is probably not the time to be discussing this, but honestly, John, Jell-O? There's real fruit in this stuff! And have you ever tasted…?"

John shrugged off Rodney's restraining arms like they were made of string and pushed up from the bed in one smooth move. They both yelped and clutched at corresponding parts.

"Okay, possibly I didn't know that was going to hurt that much."

Rodney rolled his eyes and tried to sneak a peek below his waist, checking to see if he was bald now.

"Women do this kind of thing voluntarily?"


"I know, I know! Now is not the time. Do you think maybe they have showers here?"

Odd pieces of Rodney's uniform rained down as John sorted out the mixed heap on the floor.

"Get dressed, Rodney. I promise we can talk about Jell-O and Brazilian waxes when we get home."

Rodney tugged his shirt over his head and eased it gently past the stickily tender areas on his chest.

"We'll… We'll talk about this too though, right?"

John grinned wickedly.

"We'll do more than talk."

Tags: sga:m/s:alien jelly

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