Title: Trick or Treat
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Notes: Another peek into the unlife of baby!vamp!Xander and his very indulgent Sire.
Trick or Treat
They had it down to an art form by the third year. Find a house in a slightly less than prosperous location, somewhere the gangs hadn't taken over yet, but would do soon. Get inside a day or so before Halloween - Xander's sad puppy eyes were the key to that trick - and then settle down and wait for the idiots to knock.
It never failed. The little kids would come, collect their candy, shriek and leave - Xander always opened the door in full gameface. But later - when the thugs came calling, wanting more than candy - they had their own treats.